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The health of our game depends on the nurture and development of game officials and younger players. The realistic barometer of the health of any Basketball Association is its capacity to provide well organised and officiated competitions for the communities they serve. 


This policy is not aimed at stifling or diminishing healthy, supportive cheering or the ability of all particpants to enjoy the spectacle of domestic sport but to ensure our players, referees and support staff can compete or officiate in a safe and supportive environment.


To meet these aims, Keilor have created a Participant Behaviour Policy that applies to all participants during all Keilor competitions and programs.


All participants must accept responsibility for their behaviour and adhere to this policy.


The Policy

The policy will ensure that there will be zero-tolerance shown towards any inappropriate or abusive behaviour from participants. Any participant who feels the necessity to:


  • persistently or wilfully question or challenge the rulings of the referees

  • berate or abuse referees

  • berate or abuse players

  • berate or abuse coaches

  • berate or abuse other parents or spectators

  • display conduct which is inappropriate in a sporting environment


will be asked to leave the venue immediately by a representative of the Association, which can include any referee, Venue Supervisor or Referee Supervisor. Failure to leave when requested will result in the Association representative taking appropriate action to safeguard the safety of players, spectators and parents. 


No warnings need be given in the event of the above action becoming necessary. A particpant who has been requested to leave a venue may be suspended directly or required to attend a Basketball Victoria Tribunal Hearing. 


Any repeated inappropriate behaviour by a participant may have an impact on said participant including impacting the playing or coaching future of their child/themselves.


Any action taken under this policy is entirely separate to any action that may be necessitated by law under other policies or legislation including the Child Protection Legislation or Basketball Victoria’s Member Protection policy.

135 Stadium Drive, Keilor Park
VIC 3042

Phone -  (03) 9336 0178

© 2021 Copyright Keilor Basketball 

ABN 91 283 403 941

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